R. Gledhill Ltd - Wollen Yard Spinners
Photo of inside the Mill
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R Gledhill Ltd
Pingle Mill
Pingle Lane

Shetland Wool

R Gledhill Ltd Stock Supported Range: Shetland Wool


100% Pure new wool

Spun 's' twist

Produced in a comprehensive range of rich melange colours

Covering 60 shades

Shetland Wool Samples

All yarns are manufactured to woolmark specifications in our Yorkshire mill. For sampling purposes, exact requirements, in numbers of 1kg cones can be supplied. Specialist producers of pure white colour fibre free yarns, in various microns.

We also manufacture, to customers specific requirements, woollen yarns for weaving and knitting in pure new wool, 100% cashmere and blends incorporating natural or man made fibres.

Minimum weight depends on the count and quality required. Normally 1/12.5N-125kgs, 1/5Nm-300kgs.

*colours are reproduction, please request a shade card for actual colours.